The GPMAW program is primarily intended as a tool for mass spectrometric analysis of proteins and peptides. However, a number of other bioinformatics tools have been included, so the use of the program extends far beyond simple mass analysis.
Main features:
- Sequence handling: Import of sequences from a number of different formats with direct database search in Entrez and in local databases (FastA format and Swiss-Prot). Sequences can be saved in local files (databases) for future reference.
From the sequence window a large number of actions can be performed. Sequences can be exported in FastA format (either singly or all sequences at once) for easy transfer to other programs.
- Mass analysis: The protein can be cleaved by automatic methods (e.g. a flexible nomenclature for defining enzyme actions) or manually. The peptides are displayed with a number of parameters (various mass values - mono, ave, charges - Bull&Breese index, HPLC index, pI, charge) and can be further worked upon (e.g. cross-linked, new cleavage).
Peptide mass searches can be performed on any local database in FastA format.
- Bioinformatics: A number of graphs can be displayed, hydrophobicity, dot-plot, secondary structure prediction. BLAST searches can be performed on local databases. Multiple alignment using ClustalW.